Home > Books Health > eat, drink, and be healthy: the harvard medical school guide to healthy eating

eat, drink, and be healthy: the harvard medical school guide to healthy eating

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Debunking current dietary myths, Dr. Willett explains eye-opening new research on nutrition and offers a new food pyramid that includes lifestyle guidelines for weight control and alcohol consumption……..

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Customer Buzz

 “The only diet that has ever worked for me.” 2009-07-13
By HappyFunBall (Boston, MA)
This book was recommended to me by my doctor when I asked for an alternative to taking Lipitor to decrease my cholesterol. He recommended three things, two of which you’ve probably heard before: Eat lots of fiber (over 25g / day), eat very little sat fat (less than 25g / day) and no trans fat, and read this book and follow its advice.

I very much did not want to start taking medication so I made the effort to take his advice and follow this book’s recommendations as much as possible. I focused mainly on adding fiber and limiting saturated fats as daily goals, and I used the knowledge in this book to help me decide what to eat. This book focuses on the positive. It explains which foods are best for long term health based on the results of large, diverse, long-term studies. It points out what foods are bad for you and why, but mainly focuses on which foods to choose rather than which to avoid.

As a pleasant side-effect, I lost 20 lbs in a matter of 6 months, getting to a healthy BMI number. I can honestly say most days I ate as much as I wanted to and I never starved myself. I don’t have the will-power for that. I also decreased my cholesterol and triglyceride levels to well below the healthy limits

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to lower their cholesterol, lose weight, and/or simply learn how to eat better. The USDA food pyramid we’ve been taught for years is flawed, and this book sets the record straight.

Customer Buzz

 “thanks for your great service” 2009-07-05
By T. Goodman
I received the book in a timely way. The condition of the book was just as it was described. I am a satisfied customer.

Customer Buzz

 “Science is the answer” 2009-06-07
By Lizzy (New York, NY, USA)
Dr. Willett explains the link between good nutrition and health in an extremely clear manner. In addition, he accurately describes what good nutrition is – based on decades of scientific research. This book has the answers!

Customer Buzz

 “Fundamentally sound advice on nutrition” 2009-06-02
By Demetrius Abshire
If you want an easy to read version of what you would find in the medical literature, this book is for you. The book offers great advice on how to improve the quality of one’s diet through such means as consuming whole grain foods, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and exchanging trans and saturated fats for unsaturated ones. What I particularly enjoy about the book is that it does not emphasize only one factor to improve one’s diet. A truly good diet is built upon balance and diversity. This is a great book for anyone to read.

Customer Buzz

 “Nutrition made easy” 2009-06-01
By MAO (Austin, TX)
This book provides a common sense, readable approach to good nutrition and use of supplements. The recipes are excellent as well.

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