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the economics of health reconsidered, third edition

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This book reconsiders the field of health economics as it is traditionally taught and practiced. It critically examines economic theory as applied to the health sector and questions the prevailing belief that a competitive healthcare marketplace results in the best outcomes.

New information, including an overview of standard microeconomic theory, makes this new edition an ideal stand-alone text for health economics and health policy courses.

Expanded and thoroughly updated, this edition features: A new chapter on traditional microeconomic theory that includes an overview of demand, supply, competition, monopoly, and social welfare, an expanded overview of the role of government, added information about market competition and the implications for health policy, expanded information about the demand for health insurance and health services, a new chapter discussing for-profit versus nonprofit organizations in healthcare, including specialty hospitals and the nursing home and pharmaceutical industries, a new chapter on healthcare-workforce issues including the markets for physicians and nurses, an update on the different ways developed countries can and have organized their healthcare systems…….

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Customer Buzz

 “Fast service/ good customer care” 2008-02-26
By Olga Rivera (Westchester, NY)
The book arrived quickly and as promised by seller. The book was assigned by professor who changed his mind. I returned the book and had no problem getting my account credited.

Good customer service.

Customer Buzz

 “Fair analysis” 2005-09-24
By T Mazur
Rice strikes the critical balance between review, criticism and prescription of important topics in health care economics. For example, in chapter 5 he refers to the major contributions of libertarian (Nozick) utilitarian and normative (Rawls) thinkers on the question of health equality and health resource allocation. His prescription is relatively egalitarian, but he offers a thorough discussion of alternative ideas. His review of the details of health economics (and the unique challenges that health poses to anyone interested in treating it as a commodity) are insightful. An excellent reader for anyone interested in reconsidering the market model of health care.

Customer Buzz

 “Superb analysis” 2003-12-13
Dr. Rice’s book is an outstanding analysis of the realities that exist within our competitive market economy. Other reviewers of this text have failed to comprehend the complexities inherent in health care and health economics. The competitive market economy in many instances works in opposition to issues of health, as Dr. Rice eloquently points out throughout his book, explaining many of the health policy dilemmas that our society is currently confronted with .

Customer Buzz

 “Fried Rice” 2001-05-22
Rice’s primary purpose of this short book appears to be to counter Paul Feldstein’s Health Care Economics text. Mr. Rice must have spent all weekend writing this disappointing book, which meanders through the whole spectrum of health care socialism.

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